Chewing Gum
Believe it or not the favorite pass time of people worldwide, and possibly the way that you like to freshen your breathe after your afternoon cup of coffee could be causing pain in your head without you even realizing it. Medical News Today reports: “Now, Dr. Nathan Watemberg of Tel Aviv University-affiliated Meir Medical Center has found that gum-chewing teenagers, and younger children as well, are giving themselves headaches too.”
Although this particular study revolved around a particular age group involving teenage high school students, it is entirely possible that too much or improper chewing of gum could in fact cause you pain as well. The constant up and down motion of the jaw can overwork muscles and joints if you chew for too long. Of course your body is used to this sensation as you wouldn’t be able to eat without moving your mouth in this way, but it wasn’t designed for constant work, which is exactly what chewing gum demands of it if you are to indulge in one piece too many, or chew for longer periods than suggested on gum packaging.
Allergies Bring On Pain
Another factor that can change the occurrence and pain rate associated with your headaches is allergies. Many people find themselves getting stuffed up and sneezing during the spring and summer months due to blooming flowers and an overabundance of pollen dust in the air, this can cause a more severe reaction when a migraine hits. Science Daily writes: “People with migraine who also battle allergies and hay fever (rhinitis) endure a more severe form of headaches than their peers who struggle with migraine, but aren’t affected by the seasonal or year-round sniffles…”
The reasoning can vary from person to person, but when you consider the pressure that builds in your head when you’re congested it isn’t difficult to understand where the pain factor might be linked and exacerbated at this time.
The Obesity Factor
Finally, one rather disappointing piece of information links head pain to the body-mass index, making it much more likely for you to feel headache symptoms intensify if you fall into the category of obese. These results are daunting, considering that much of the population in North American has recently been noted to be close to or over the obesity line and in need to weight loss to regain a healthy standard. Marijke Vroomen Durning of Web MD explains: “In the study of more than 3,800 adults, those with a high body-mass index (BMI) — a measure of body fat determined using height and weight — were 81 percent more likely to have episodic migraines than those with a lower BMI.”
Fortunately, this is one area where you may be able to take control and change the outcome of your pain. It isn’t always possible to rid yourself of allergy symptoms, but the weight at which you live your life can be altered through proper dietary planning and physical activity. You may even find that a change in your meals makes for a far less harsh kind of pain as well, due to natural nutrients that you’ve been missing because of poor eating choices.