The most common symptom of SAD is the person being self-conscious in their day to day social events. They may fear embarrassing things or being watched. The phobias may interfere with everyday life, school or work, and the person may battle to make or keep friends in their social circle. Some of the somatic symptoms that may present include difficulties talking or expressing yourself, blushing, trembling, an elevated heart rate and blood pressure, sweating and nausea.
Having social anxiety disorder is different to simply being shy. Shy people still participate in social activities and they can function in their day to day activities and manage personal relationships. Social phobias may be broad or confined to specific situations. The most common fears include meeting new people for the first time, going to parties or other social engagements, eating and drinking in public, talking in public or using public bathrooms.
Treatment usually depends on how severe the phobia is. The purpose of treatment is to help the person function better in their everyday life. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications may help to relieve some anxiety symptoms. Behavioral therapy is considered to have long term benefits by giving you an understanding of why and how certain thoughts cause the condition. It teaches people with social anxiety how to replace the thoughts through techniques such as exposure therapy and systematic desensitization. People with SAD may also need social skills training to teach them about social contact, through modeling and role playing to encourage relaxation in social environments.
People who experience SAD are also encouraged to find lifestyle balance by getting enough sleep, eating regularly and getting physical exercise. Clinics in Las Vegas can provide you with the management techniques to keep your SAD under control.