Once the virus has invaded the body and caused an outbreak, it becomes dormant, but there is a key difference between HSV-1 and HSV-2 as they become latent in different parts of the nervous system. Interestingly, two thirds of cases present asymptomatically or extremely mild symptoms. Their sites of preference are not the same with HSV-1 establishing itself in the trigeminal ganglion, which is a cluster of cells close to the ear, and flares up on the lower face or mouth. HSV-2 usually establishes itself in the sacral ganglion at the bottom of the spine and flares up in the genitals when reactivated. The virus does not necessarily stick to the rules all the time, and it is possible for both to become latent in either location.
HSV-1 has less of a social stigma attached to it, and many people have a misconception that it is a milder infection but that is not always the case as it can flare up spontaneously in the eye, resulting in ocular herpes. It is also possible for it to spread to the brain and cause herpes encephalitis which is a dangerous and potentially fatal complication. Medical doctors believe that HSV-1 is a risky infection, and much more so than people tend to expect. By contrast, HSV-2 is less likely to spread to other parts of the body or cause complications. While it is the most common cause of neonatal herpes, HSV-1 is still responsible for up to one third of neonatal herpes infections.
Once you have had herpes, it is likely to recur, and you just don’t know when that will be. Clinics in Las Vegas can help you to prepare for future outbreaks, strengthen your immune system and provide you with efficient treatment.