Extended Services & Fees

General Health Physical Includes Doctors Visit with Lab Work
A physician evaluation along with a complete set of lab work is the first step to good preventative care. Patient’s Choice Medical Center offers this General Health and Wellness screening, which consists of a physician evaluation along with a complete set of labs that test for over 20 parameters (i.e. complete blood count, thyroid, liver, kidney, pancreas, cholesterol, blood sugar, urine analysis and etc), You will receive all of these test as well as the physician evaluation for only…
$250 Includes Doctors Visit and Laboratory Work (compare at $1,000)

Arthritis Screening Includes Doctors Visit and Lab work
Nearly half of Americans are likely to develop arthritis in at least one knee by the age of 85. For people who are obese, the risk is greater. More than 46 million U.S. adults-more than 21% report ever being diagnosed with arthritis; and their ranks are expected to swell to 67 million adults with doctor diagnosed arthritis by 2030.
Symptoms of Arthritis
Joint pain and progressive stiffness without noticeable swelling, chills or fever during normal activities probably indicate the gradual onset of symptoms of osteoarthritis.
Painful swelling, inflammation, and stiffness in the fingers, arms, legs, and wrists occurring in the same joints or both sides of the body, especially on awakening may be signs of rheumatoid arthritis.
Patient’s Choice Medical Center offers a physician evaluation as well as a complete set of labs to rule out Rheumatoid Arthritis for only…
$250 (compare at $650).

Cholesterol Screening Package Includes Doctors Visit with Lab Work
71 (33.5%) million american adults suffer with high cholesterol in the United States. Cholesterol is a waxy or fat-like substance that floats around in the blood stream. The body needs some cholesterol and functions to coat the sheath of nerve cells in the nervous system as well as help play a role in the production of hormones in the body. If cholesterol builds up on the walls of your arteries can potentially lead to heart disease and stroke.
Exercising eating a healthy diet and not smoking will help prevent high cholesterol and reduce your levels.
A simple blood test and doctors visit through Patient’s Choice Medical Center offers a physician evaluation and a complete set of lab work to rule out cholesterol …
$150 (Compare $250)

Diabetes Evaluation Includes Doctors Visit with Lab Work
Over six million people in the U.S. (both adults and children) have undiagnosed Diabetes. Diabetes is a number of diseases that involve problems with the hormone insulin. While not everyone with Type 2 Diabetes is overweight, obesity and lack of physical activity are two of the most common causes of this form of diabetes. It is also responsible for nearly 95% of diabetes cases in the United States, according to the Center for Diseases Control (CDC).
What are some of the symptoms of Diabetes?
- Excessive thirst and appetite
- Increased urination (sometimes as often as every hour)
- Unusual weight loss or weight gain.
- Fatigue
- Nausea, perhaps vomiting
- Blurred vision
- In women, frequent vaginal infections
- In men and women, yeast infections
- Dry mouth
- Slow healing- healing sores or cuts
- Itchy skin, especially in the groin or vaginal area.
Patient’s Choice Medical Center offers a physician evaluation as well as a complete set of labs to rule out diabetes for only…
$180 (Compare at $350)

Hepatitis Screening Includes Doctors Visit with Lab work
Hepatitis A, B, and C are viral infections that together affect an estimated 5% to 6% Americans. Many cases of Hepatitis go undiagnosed because the disease is mistaken for the flu or because there are no symptoms at all. The most common symptoms of Hepatitis are:
- Loss of appetite
- Fatigue
- Mild Fever
- Muscle or joint aches
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Abdominal Pain
Get a second opinion or rule out Hepatitis with this complete Hepatitis screening. Patient’s Choice Medical Center offers the physician evaluation to screen you for Hepatitis and perform lab work that includes Hepatitis A, B, C and D, as well as monitor you for Mono and a Complete Blood Count (CBC) as well as the same lab work that in the General Health Physical. You will receive all of these tests as well as the physician evaluation for only…
$250 Includes Doctors Visit and Lab Work (compare at $850)

Obesity/Weightloss Screening Package Includes Doctors Visit with Lab Work
More than 36.5% or one third of all Americans suffer from obesity. The estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the United States is $180 billion U.S. Dollars in 2008-2009, the medical costs for people who have obesity were $1,429 higher than those of normal weight. Obesity related medical conditions include:
- Stroke
- High Blood Pressure/Hypertension
- Heart Disease
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Certain Types of Cancer.
Obesity is higher among middle age adults between the ages of 42-62 years old at 43% and older adults age 63+. Obesity in most circumstances can be controlled with a sensible diet and physical activity including some form of exercise. For a low cost obesity/weight loss screening that includes a doctors visit and some laboratory work contact Patient’s Choice Medical Center …
$180 (Compare at $600)

Sexually Transmitted Disease Package Includes Doctors Visit with Lab Work
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) are transmitted from one person to another through sexual activity via oral, anal and vaginal sex. STD’s are so common that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimate that 20 million new infections occur every year in the United States. Unfortunately not all STD’s present themselves with symptom until it is too late and becomes fatal. There are dozens of STD’s such as Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia and are spread mainly through sexual contact. Other STD’s that are potentially life threatening are HIV and Ebola Virus as well as STD’s linked to certain cancers such as Hepatitis C, and Human Papaloma Virus. For a Low Cost Doctors Visit and Laboratory work go through Patient’s Choice Medical Center …
$250 (Compare at $600)

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Includes Doctors Visit with Lab work
Testosterone isn’t the only fuel for a man’s sex drive and performance, but low testosterone can reduce your ability to have satisfying sex. Lack of sex drive and erectile dysfunction are sexual problems that can result from low testosterone. If low testosterone is the cause, treating it can help. Low testosterone symptoms don’t always include feeling like you have no sex drive. Some men maintain sexual desire at relatively low testosterone levels. For other men, libido may lag even with normal testosterone levels. Low testosterone is one of the possible causes of low libido, however. If testosterone is lowered far enough, virtually all men will experience some decline in sex drive. In a large study of men in Massachusetts, about 11 percent overall said they had a lack of sexual drive. In a large Massachusetts study, researchers found about 28% of men with low testosterone had a low libido.
Signs and symptoms of low testosterone may include:
- Fatigue or loss of energy
- Low sex drive (reduced desire to be intimate)
- Depressed mood
- Decreased sense of well-being.
- Increased body fat
- Loss of muscle mass
- Decreased bone strength
Patient’s Choice Medical Center offers a physician evaluation and a complete set of lab work to rule out a low testosterone for only …
$250(Compare at $450)

Thyroid/Obesity Screening Includes Doctors Visit and Lab Work
Hypothyroidism means your thyroid is not making enough thyroid hormone. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck. It makes hormones that control the way your body uses energy. Symptoms of hypothyroidism are:
- Feeling tired, weak or depressed
- Dry skin and brittle nails.
- Not being able to stand the cold.
- Constipation
- Memory problems or having trouble thinking clearly.
- Heavy or irregular menstrual periods.
Patient’s Choice Medical Center offers a physician evaluation and a complete set of labs to rule out a hyper- or hypo- thyroid for only…
$180 (Compare at $350)