The most common symptoms of a cold are red, watery eyes, sneezing and a running nose, a sore throat and cough, muscle aches and headaches. A cold differs to the flu in that the symptoms are milder and the sickness develops at a slower pace. The majority of people can self-medicate with over the counter medications to treat the individual symptoms. A good multivitamin or immune booster can also shorten the amount of time you are sick with a cold. Decongestants, humidifiers and steam can help to loosen mucous in the sinuses and bed rest is usually the most effective way to overcome muscle aches and headaches. Throat lozenges and cough syrup can also provide relief and shorten the period of infection.
Colds are usually contagious. The infection can be spread through direct contact with another sick person or by sneezing and coughing. Hygiene is an important part of treating a cold, especially if you do not want to pass it on to family members and co-workers. Used tissues should be disposed of after use, and putting your hand over your mouth when you cough or sneeze can help to protect the people around you from developing a cold. You are more likely to develop a cold if your immunity is compromised, so ensuring you get enough sleep and eating a wholesome diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help to protect you from an infection and give you a faster recovery time.
If your symptoms worsen after trying to self-medicate, you should consult your doctor, who may need to check that the infection has not spread or if bacteria have caused the cold. Patients who feel nauseas, start vomiting, develop sweats or chills or a fever higher than 102F should see their doctor straight away.
There are a number of Las Vegas medical clinics that offer cost-effective medication and consultations to help you get back to your old self as soon as possible.