Postpartum thyroiditis is also known as Hashimoto’s Disease, an autoimmune function that affects around 7 per cent of women. Women who have type 1 diabetes have a one in four chance of developing it. Some practitioners believe that supplementing with selenium can help to decrease inflammatory responses in some pregnant women who have autoimmune hypothyroidism. It can also reduce the risk for some women who test positive for thyroid peroxidase antibodies from developing postpartum thyroiditis. Make sure you check with your doctor before trying any kind of supplement to treat a thyroid condition, as your hormonal balance is very sensitive and certain ingredients could exacerbate your symptoms.
The most common thyroid disorder to affect pregnant women with thyroid disease is a mild form of hypothyroidism, which presents two to six months following delivery. It generally self resolves and the thyroid gets back to its normal function. In other women, a mild case of hyperthyroidism may present; this usually takes place between one and four months after the delivery, and then the thyroid reverts to its usual function.
Many cases improve, but some women may continue with thyroid disease throughout their lives. About 50 per cent of women with postpartum thyroiditis may develop a persistent goiter, hypothyroidism or both conditions.
Symptoms that can occur in hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism following the birth of a baby include hair loss, diminished milk supply for mothers who are breastfeeding, goiter, fatigue and depression. During hypothyroidism, dry skin, constipation, weight gain or inability to lose weight and low body temperature may present. The symptoms for hyperthyroidism include irritability, muscle weakness, a fast heartbeat, weight loss and diarrhea. Many of the symptoms are common in new or first time mothers, so it is important to pay attention to anything that seems unusual, and make sure you contact your doctor as soon as possible if you suspect there might be an underlying problem.
Visiting low cost medical clinics Las Vegas can ensure you get all the diagnostic tests you need done and find an appropriate course of treatment as soon as possible.