Type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease that builds up over time. A high fat content in the body also makes it harder for the cells to use insulin correctly, and obesity and type 2 diabetes has been found to have a bi-directional relationship.
The condition is also influenced by genetics and tends to run in families. Extra abdominal fat, too little exercise and a diet low in nutritional value also increase your chances of developing diabetes. It is possible for the condition to exist for a long time without any symptoms. Early symptoms that could indicate the presence of type 2 diabetes include fatigue, infections of the skin, bladder or kidneys that recur or take a long time to heal, extreme thirst, and an increase in the frequency with which you urinate. You may also experience blurred vision, numbness or pain in the feet and hands, or erectile dysfunction.
A diagnosis is usually made when your blood sugar level is higher than 200 mg/DL. Your doctor may also perform a fasting glucose test, and two readings of 126 mg/DL or more usually indicate diabetes. A hemoglobin A1c test or oral glucose test may also be ordered. Screening for diabetes is usually recommended in people who are overweight (both adults and children) and people who have other risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes, including adults over the age of 45.
Diabetics need to see a doctor every three months. During this consultation, the doctor will take your blood pressure, check for signs of numbness in your outer extremities, check the bones and skin on your legs and feet, and examine the back of your eye to test your vision.
If you need help with your insulin prescription, or need to find a doctor you can consult with on a regular basis, clinics in Las Vegas can provide you with the support you need to manage your diabetes.