Having high blood pressure increases your chances of stroke and heart attack, as well as other serious conditions, and your risk is amplified when you have diabetes. If the major cause of the hypertension is not known, it is called ‘essential’ hypertension but one of the most common causes of high blood pressure in diabetics is diabetic kidney disease or diabetic neuropathy. This condition is characterized by kidney damage, which means that salt and fluids in the body cannot be balanced out effectively.
Both high blood pressure and diabetes have been shown to run in families, so if a direct relative suffers from hypertension, your chances of developing it are also higher. Diabetes effectively changes the chemistry in the body and can result in damage that prevents the body from maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.
It also means that the kidneys may not be effective at cleansing the blood properly, resulting in a toxic build up that can lead to anemia, heart disease and bone disease. About 35 per cent of diabetics have chronic kidney disease, which puts them at risk of developing kidney failure but it also means their chances of hypertension are also elevated.
Following healthy lifestyle behaviors such as taking your prescription medication, following a healthy eating plan and getting regular exercise are essential, in addition to the medication you need to take to manage your insulin levels.
People with diabetes are also advised to lose some weight if they have high blood pressure, as overweight and obesity can also contribute to hypertension. Salt and sugar regulation are very important in your diet, as both may influence your blood pressure adversely. Diabetics are also advised to quit smoking, which can increase blood pressure temporarily, and to eliminate or cut down their alcohol intake.
While you must continue to take your medication as prescribed by your doctor, it should not be seen as a replacement for a healthy lifestyle and blood pressure management should be integrated with your diabetes management treatment. Doctors at low cost clinics in Las Vegas can help you with an integrated course of treatment that keeps both conditions under control while you focus on living a healthy lifestyle.