Although not everybody in the world embraces a set of religious beliefs in their life, it’s recently been found that those who do may suffer less from symptoms of anxiety and stress. Medical News Today states: “New psychological research suggests that employees with high levels of religiosity feel better and are more likely to report that their lives have meaning.”
This sense of meaning can certainly be found by atheists and agnostics as well, but it seems that believing in something bigger than you might give reason to relax and focus on the good in the world rather than panicking about everything that could go wrong. Even believing in yourself as a person could bring on these same sensations of completion in your life allowing you some relief from anxieties.
This may not be a brand new practice, especially in regards to the calming of tension in your life, but more recently it has been linked to not only improvement in the region of stress, but also depression and symptoms that accompany it. Science writes: “Some 30 minutes of meditation daily may improve symptoms of anxiety and depression, a new Johns Hopkins analysis of previously published research suggests.”
Finding time to meditate doesn’t have to be a hassle or require you to leave your home or even your office. The techniques involving this practice only need a sense of calm and the ability to reach into yourself and find a space where you feel safe and can focus on good sensations or nothing at all. Blocking out negativity and inviting positive emotions into your mind with the combination of deep breathing exercises can go a long way to banish anxieties.
Eat More
Funny enough eating more frequently can have an impact on how you feel when it comes to getting tense after a busy day at work, or dealing with first date jitters. Help Guide reports: “Start the day right with breakfast, and continue with frequent small meals throughout the day. Going too long without eating leads to low blood sugar, which can make you feel more anxious.”
You may not even realize how prominent a role your blood sugar levels play in your daily life, but if you start getting shaky and feeling paranoid or worried about upcoming deadlines and other problems you may soon be facing, you could benefit from simply digging into a good meal, or at least grabbing an energy bar.
Cut Out The Bad Habits
Finally, eating enough and getting the right nutrients isn’t the only thing you need to worry about, you’ve also got to consider what you’re putting into your body and the negative effects that these external factors have on your psyche. Smoking a cigarette or having an alcoholic beverage may seem like they’re calming you in the moment but the chemicals in tobacco actually work against you to stimulate further anxiety, and alcohol has long been known to be a depressant which can easily bring you down and send you into a spiral of tension and concern. This isn’t to say that you can never enjoy a glass of wine or a cold beer again, but drink responsibly in moderation and with a meal rather than on an empty stomach.