At this point, everyone knows the health problems associated with smoking. Lung, esophageal,...
Smoking Cessation
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Finding the Hidden Benefits of Nicotine When Smoke Is Eliminated
Over the years the drug known as nicotine has been painted in an evil light, and it’s really no...
The Smoking Cessation Timeline And Withdrawal
Quitting smoking is a notoriously difficult thing to do, but armed with a determined mindset and...
Can Hypnotherapy Help You Quit Smoking?
Even though smoking is a difficult habit to quit, the key is always a strong mind set, and some...
How To Get The Best Results from Nicotine Gum
Nicotine replacements are known to lessen the side effects of nicotine withdrawal during smoking...
Creating a Smoking Cessation Program for the Workplace
Smoking is a problem in many homes all over the world, but it is a big problem in the workplace...
What Smoking Cessation Approaches Are The Most Successful
There is much debate about what is the “best” way to quit smoking, but statistics tell us that...
Can Your Cellphone Help You Quit Smoking?
A New Zealand study has found that video and text messages on cellphones can improve quitters;...
Links Between Back Pain and Nicotine Addiction Reiterated
Years of study have linked smoking and the risk of lower back pain and intervertebral disc...
Quit Smoking by Making It Your First Resolution This Year
It is estimated that 15-million people will try and give up the smoking habit every year, and it...
Non-Prescription Medications to Help You Quit Smoking
Some medical experts are of the opinion that NRTs are not successful for everyone because they...